Hi, I'm Cameron

My formative growth as a developer has been shaped by industry-professionals and fortified with daily remote collaboration. In addition to a solid understanding of web fundamentals I have experience collaborating within an Agile team to deliver features for stakeholders.


  • Project

    A responsive marketing website for a sleep-tracking web app. I used HTML and {less} to build-out an accurate representation of the spec provided by a design student, complete with responsive view-widths for desktop and mobile.

    Click the arrow to read more!

  • Purpose and Goal

    Provides the user with a pleasant and easy way to learn more about Somnus and concludes the front page experience with a clear call to action

  • Lessons Learned

    learned the value of specialized roles within a team setting

Family Recipes API

  • Project

    a Restful API to create, edit and save recipes. Using Node, express, knexjs and SQLite I implemented endpoints, user authentication and generated SQL commands to query the database

    Click the arrow to read more!

  • Purpose and Goal

    I revisited this project, in which my original role was to build out the UI with React, with a new focus in mind. Approaching the project with a 'Full-Stack' perspective allowed me to the improve the capability of the original schema

  • Lessons Learned

    After reviewing the back-end and remembering my initial mis-steps in planning the UI, it became clear that the original structure limited our ability to build out all of the features that we had in mind

Story Squad

  • Project

    Story Squad is a creative story sharing platform for kids. While working within an Agile method, I collaborated on a cross-functional team and worked with a real stakeholder to contribute features to an existing application

    Click the arrow to watch my demo!

  • Feature Demonstration

  • Process

    Identifying the obstacles to delivering the features informed by the product vision was our first step. Our planned solutions were detailed in Release Canvases, drafted reports that stated our objectives for each bi-weekly product cycle. We measured success by defining the key result that the completed features would deliver

  • Individual Contribution

    With the use of react hooks I tracked the number of votes cast by a user to toggle the lock state of the accessible content on the match up page . This feature enabled the voting process to provide the incentives of unlocked content and the advantage of 'seeing your opponent's hand'

  • Lessons Learned

    I learned the value of identifying code smells ahead of time. With the help of a code review tool, existing code was automatically refactored to enable easier implementation of new features

You may contact me at camjmoore@outlook.com or ask me a question here!